Do You Have a (Mini) Goal For 2025? Something Not Too Daunting?

I know you’re probably gearing up to celebrate New Year’s Eve—even if that just means curling up on the couch in your jammies with the dog and the remote (sounds perfect, honestly).

As we look ahead to 2025, do you have a goal in mind? If the idea of a big resolution feels stressful or overwhelming, what if you started with just one tiny mini-goal? Something small you could commit to for the first day or week of the year—just to prove to yourself that you are capable of change.

For me, as much as I know I probably shouldn’t, I absolutely love New Year’s Resolutions. Is that deluded? Maybe. But I love the feeling of a fresh start and hope renewed. I’ll try to keep my goals modest, though, and not wish for a personality makeover (although that might be good idea too).

For my mini goal, I’m thinking of something simple: eating protein at all three meals on January 1-4. It’s not a huge stretch for me, so it doesn’t feel too threatening—but it’s still a step in the right direction. It will be hard, though, if I get hit by protein aversions, as I have been since my surgery, though it’s getting less frequent, so it feels like challenge enough.

Also, I’ve always found it funny how New Year’s Resolutions are supposed to start on January 1. For a lot of us, that’s a day of celebration—and for me, celebrating doesn’t usually go hand in hand with sticking to resolutions.

What about you? Do you start on January 1, or do you give yourself a little grace and start fresh on January 2?

And, more importantly, what’s one tiny goal you’re willing to set for that first day or week of 2025?

Send me a quick message at I’d love to hear your mini (or maxi) goal!

Wishing you a wonderful start to the new year!


New Years Resolution: Week One In Review


Do You Believe In New Year’s Resolutions?